vendredi 6 avril 2012

Bourguiba ???

Well to day, many people even the press talk about one person: Bourguiba. I was wondering what is this all about !! why this year specificly, this revolutionary, which is true, has been awoken !! are we talking about a real conspiracy to make his politic rule Tunisia again ?? Infact, he wasn't good enough to fulfill the citizens perpose of life, of freedom...he applicate his own idea to rule the country without asking his fellow. He was a dictator, he suppressed others politiciens and throw them into the jail. Now the people forget about all of that and just remember the good thing he did: free education, all the people has the right to go to school, free health...he didn't rob the people money like the other one "zine el abidine ben ali", but he is the cause to create this dictator, he was just his god father. I thought after the revolution people will say: "well, let's forget about the past erreur, and turn on a new page, a new life, a new beginning.."" but no, they just has revived the past, which cause our advance to be disabled. People don't know infact why they did this revolution, because the ones who did it are now under the ground or in hospital, and the rest just.... Now Bourguiba is the best of the best after they have forget him for 12 years...what a mad world !!! I hope god will help us and bless us in this ordeal. Amén .

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